The New York Times led their story on high rates of office space vacancies with a picture of Houston. On the residential side, according to the Houston Business Journal, "Developers of the award-winning Mosaic condominium tower filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection this week to avoid foreclosure on the property." Several political shake-ups at the state level. The Trans-Texas Corridor has died and been split into smaller projects, and the pundits are guessing what the new Texas House Speaker Joe Strauss will do for Houston.

Sunday January 4
As Vacant Office Space Grows, So Does Lenders’ Crisis [New York Times]

8 months after it formed, sinkhole is still a mystery: Tests didn't find reason why ground gave way in Daisetta, new report says

Monday January 5
Houston's interest lies with Straus Commentary from Lisa Falkenberg on Texas speaker-to-be's urban roots [Houston Chronicle]

Efficient business: City's chief 'green' official blends his background in electrical engineering with his drive to save money and solve problems [Houston Chronicle]

Tuesday January 6
Trans-Texas Corridor plans dropped after public outcry [Houston Chronicle]

Wednesday January 7
ISLE SENDS AN SOS TO THE STATE: Galveston is at the point of being 'desperate,' says its city manager [Houston Chronicle]

Brochstein Pavilion earns 'best of' award [Rice News]

Down on the bayou: Massive project to reduce flooding [River Oaks Examiner]

Thursday January 8
Advocates for poor challenge plan for storm aid: Houston-Galveston area could reap $814 million if HUD approves proposal [Houston Chronicle]

New road plan rises from ashes Lisa Falkenberg's commentary on the death of Trans-Texas Corridor [Houston Chronicle]

Friday January 9
Study finds Harris most dangerous county for rail safety [Houston Chronicle]

Museum District-area condo tower files for bankruptcy

Saturday January 10
FROZEN ART: Ice sculptors win smiles with chain saw creations [Houston Chronicle]

Focus storm planning on preventing damage: Gulf Coast area should reconsider requirements for threatened zones A great piece from Cite contributor Jim Blackburn [Houston Chronicle]

Sunday January 11
New Texas house with a new speaker may lead to changes in insurance, gambling, and infrastructure [Houston Chronicle]

Legislature to consider financing of empty disaster fund [Houston Chronicle]

Here is a story I missed over the holidays.

December 26, 2008
Readers rank Astrodome as Houston's favorite building [Houston Chronicle]

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